Palm Beach County Mold Inspection
Palm Beach County Mold inspectors you can trust
Contact Us!
Call: (561) 654-1476
Visit: 902 Clint Moore Road, Suite 120A, Boca Raton, FL 33487
Mold Inspection in Palm Beach County
Do you have a Mold infestation in your home? Are you in need of finding the most professional mold inspectors in Palm Beach County? Well look no further our company is the right one for you, our team is made up of some of the most professional and fully trained mold inspectors in the County, you will not regret it. Come down to our office or visit our website set up an appointment and we will dispatch an inspector to your location as soon as possible. Remember, prolonged exposure to mold can have a negative impact on your health, and in the most extreme of cases may leave you suffering from life-long conditions.
Even though the risks of leaving mold unattended are well-documented people often ignored the obvious signs of a mold infestation and dismiss their symptoms as if they were just a seasonal flu, cold, or a minor sinus congestion. As previously stated this is a terrible mistake because the repercussions can be life-threatening, leaving mold to grow unchecked can even be dangerous to your pets if you have them. The reason behind neglecting your home from a proper mold inspection it’s mostly due to the internet, a big part of the information available on the web can be somewhat ambiguous and monotonous discouraging people to continuing searching for a solution to their problem.
Our company firmly believes in giving the public all the available information at our disposal regarding mold infestation and its consequences. We love to give you that information that makes every other company shiver to their spines. Our crude honesty is what makes us stand out from the rest of the mold inspection companies in Palm Beach County. It is our mission to give you all the facts about this troublesome invader so you will have everything you need to fight against the mold and shed some honest light on all the misinformation created by other companies in our industry.
Testing and Inspecting for Mold
As previously stated there are specific situations in which it is necessary to conduct a mold inspection and testing. However, they should always be done by professional mold inspections companies in West Palm rather than doing the inspection yourself or buying a cheap mold test at a local store that will leave you with nothing but a feeling that you just wasted your hard earn money.
Why is it irrelevant to test for mold if it is already visible? Well, it’s simple, dealing with mold is a very complex and expensive task, one that could take a while to finish, we are in the business of inspecting/removing mold, but we are also in the business of making our customers happy, and by skipping the inspection if you can see the mold you will be saving yourself some money. Remember, after the remediation process is finished and your home is mold-free you may need to repair certain areas like putting up new drywall or new carpeting which can generate additional expenses.
Many of the customers that call us are already aware of the existence of mold in their homes and rather than an inspection they request for full-on testing to determine which type of mold it is if it is toxic and other important characteristics. While other companies will charge you pretty steep fees for an inspection, we prefer to get down to business, and if mold is visible skip directly to the testing and the removal ASAP before our customers begin to suffer from mold-related symptoms.
Our industry has made it a habit to refer to all types of mold as “black mold” creating certain panic amongst homeowners suffering from a mold infestation. The truth of the matter is that black mold isn’t always responsible for our problems, surely, this is the most toxic type of mold, but it isn’t always the one that invades our home, which is why it is of the utmost importance once you have detected your mold problem to request a test from one of our mold inspectors in Boca Raton.
Although testing is important to determine the levels of toxicity of the mold invading our homes and the potential health risks with might have been submitted to for months when it comes about removing the mold, testing is hardly ever important, removing mold does not vary depending on the mold, the removal works on a unifying principle which applies to all types of mold.
All mold inspection companies in Palm Beach County in compliance with the guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency knows that when the mold is visible neither an inspection nor testing is required, instead, companies have to move on directly to the removal process preventing that the customers suffer from a prolonged exposure to the mold which can result in threatening life-long illnesses.
Mold Growth
Mold releases a number of spores into the air, and when mold grows indoors the number of these spore increases and eventually they find their way deep into our lungs. Inhaling these harmful mold spores increases our chances of developing serious respiratory issues. Mold spores are present during most of the year with the exception of the winter season.
After the Mold Remediation
Remember, after the remediation process is finished and your home is mold-free you may need to repair certain areas like putting up new drywall or new carpeting which can generate additional expenses.
Hiring a Mold professional
Hiring a professional to handle your mold problem is not only necessary but also of the utmost importance. Our mold inspectors in West Palm are fully trained and they use state of the art devices to inspect, test, and remove the mold from your home.
Be Mold Free
Contact us with any questions or concerns